html -p /static/comic/ -e jpg`
+ It will generate the following `img` tag : ``
The pages need to be in alphabetical order! It assumes the first page is page 1, the next one is page 2, etc..
The script will then generate the file `melpomene_data.html`.
If you wish to run a custom generation process, this generator can output a JSON or a JS file as well, run `python -h` for help
You are now ready to integrate Melpomene in your website!
## Advanced usage
If you need to do some global scaling / offset of all zooms in HTML (if for example you reuse zooms data for multiple resolutions), you can add the following attributes to the `` tag :
+ `data-global-zoom-offset=","` : offset all positions by the provided x / y values
+ If they become negative, they get clamped to 0 and width / height get reduced to compensate
+ If they become greater than the page size, they get clamped to the page size and width / height get reduced to compensate
+ `data-global-zoom-scale=""` : scale all positions / sizes by this factor
# Developpement
## Setting up quality checking for JS
Regarding JS, quality checking is done using [eslint](
The configuration file is `eslint/eslintrc.json`.
To setup eslint, you can either install it on your system reading it's documentation, or use the provided Dockerfile to run it. This requires [docker](
To do so, assuming you are using linux, after installing docker, you can run from this repository root:
+ `docker build -t melpomene-eslint eslint/`, once
+ `docker run -v .:/melpomene:rw -w /melpomene --user $(id -u):$(id -g) melpomene-eslint`, every time you want to run the analysis
You can now open `eslint_report.html` to see the result.
## Setting up quality checking for Python
Regarding Python, quality checking is done using [prospector]( using [mypy]( as an additional checker.
Auto-formating is done using [Black](
Dependencies are managed not using `pip` but [`pipenv`](
To setup prospector, you need to run:
+ Only once, in melpomene's root folder:
+ Install pipenv: `pip install pipenv`
+ Install melpomene's root folder: `pipenv install --dev`
+ Every time to run the quality checking:
+ `pipenv shell`
+ `prospector -s veryhigh -w mypy --max-line-length 88 .`
+ `black .`
# Credits
Most examples and the documentation of Melpomene uses illustrations from David "Deevad" Revoy's "Pepper & Carrot" webcomic, which is published under CC-BY 4.0. Full licence [here](